We are so proud of our Son Marc, who received the Creative Writing Award, at Johnson State College, VT. Here he is reading a selection of his poems to the faculty and students. Watch out, Robert Frost.
Certified Master Photographer Craftsman
Frank and Erin shared a portrait session at the Hamilton House.
Check out more of his images at:
Check out Erin's images at the blog below.
If you mention Frank's name, you will receive a $25 discount on your session fee plus have a chance at winning a $200 iPod or a gift certificate.
(One discount per session please)
I had a great time photographing Duncan for his Senior portraits.
To see more of his images go to http://www.genepaltrineri.com/mp_client/login.asp?eventid=26920&eventstatus=0&categories=no&keywords2=no&groupid=%200&bw=false&sep=false&ckw=false
Ask Duncan for the password.
Mention Duncan's name and receive $25 credit toward your package. (One referral credit per session please)
They were so much fun.
To see more images go to: http://www.genepaltrineri.com/mp_client/login.asp?eventid=25511&eventstatus=0&categories=no&keywords2=no&groupid=%200&bw=false&sep=false&ckw=false
For the password, ask their parents