Thursday, January 29, 2009

Seacoast Local meets at Portsmouth Gas Light Company

The Portsmouth Gas Light Company and Optima bank hosted a very informative meeting of Seacoast Local tonight. Discussed were the "Think Local First" movement and the upcoming "10% Shift" campaign.
Seacoast Local Inc., is a grassroots not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting community involvement in local business, agriculture, arts, and culture, the environment and civic life in the Seacoast region of Southern Maine and New Hampshire.
For more information on Seacoast Local, check out their website

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

PPA National Convention

I had a great time volunteering again this year at Imaging USA, the PPA National Convention. I was fortunate to have two images hang again this year. This was my favorite, "The Smoker".

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

I was "working" but had a fantastic time celebration the New Year at the Portsmouth Gas Light Company, at their "White Party". Everyone wore white and part of the proceeds went to a local charity hEAT, which provides heating fuel to local needy families.