Sunday, February 20, 2011

Photoshop Elements 9 Workshop

Whe had a great workshop today investigating the many professional level print enhancement tools that are now available in Photoshop Elements 9.

Here are samples of how participants turned good snapshots into works of art.
We have only two slots left for our "Beyond the Basics" Photography Workshop starting next Sunday.

Call today to register -603-749-4777

Don't miss chance to bring your photography skills to the next level.

Idon't know when I will be able to offer this program again.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beyond the Basics Workshop

We still have a couple of openings in the Beyond the Basics Photography Workshop.
Two jam packed days, Feb 27 and Mar 6, that is guaranteed to bring your photographic skills to the next level.
Limited space available.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Photo Tip of the Day- Four Seasons

Pick a subject and photograph it, from the same vantage point, at the same time of day in all four seasons. Here I photographed my house this winter. Notice I left my car in to give dimension to the snow banks. Can't wait until Spring.